Welcome to the Dreams of a Cloud.

This is a writing blog, where I spew out all my random daily writings. Here you can see whatever fantasies happen to pass from my brain to pen and paper, and from there to your screen.

Specifically, this is a writing exercise were I try to write 30 minutes or more a day, and whatever I come up with gets posted on here, so it’s all very rough. First drafts in many cases, unpolished revisions at best; someone accurately described them as “fragments of rough drafts”, so don’t be expecting masterpieces yet. This is how I am practicing and training myself to become a better writer.

About the Author

My name is Nathaniel Cloud. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and it is my dream to become a published author. I am in my early 30s, and I have lived in multiple places throughout my life, though I tend to prefer more rural locales. I am a massive fan of Lord of the Rings (movies and books both), all things Brandon Sanderson, and shows like Dr. Who and Arcane.