12 May 2023

This is just notes on a dream I had, but depending, it may be good reference material for another story later.

Set in an Indian-style culture (or, as much as can be w/ my limited knowledge). Central character was a young woman with special powers; she could either reinforce things or superheat them. This was good, because they were often attacked by brass/bronze creatures. I’m not sure how they moved; it almost seemed weeping angel-ish, but everyone acted like they could move normally. Maybe it was just a low-budget dream?

There was romance; the central character loved a guy from the upper city/upper class, and he even seemed to reciprocate. I don’t think the class divide was an issue; I think the problems came when he found out she was attracting these brass monsters (they werre trying to kill her), and he and all his people wrote her off as cursed and refused to have anything to do with one another.

That’s when the things actually attacked in the dream. She piled scraps and paraphernalia together and reinforced it into walls for everyone. The rest of her village seemed used to this; they knew how to fight the things, and did so w/o fear. Only a couple small ones even made it to her. She was fending off a couple rodent statues (a rabbit and I think a squirrel), when a couple others tried to sneak in behind her–snakes. She noticed them (this is where the freeze-frame came into play), and took care of them.

The only notable thing that happened in the dream after that was when her (ex-)boyfriend was kicked out of the upper city during this attack. He was too closely associated with the main character, and thus also cursed.


15 May 2023


11 May 2023