30 October 2022

I actually spent most of this particular Sunday doing some general worldbuilding for my Nanowrimo novel, since that was coming up in a couple days. So I felt fine keeping this shorter, especially where I ended at the natural conclusion of a scene. We’ll see how things go once I pick it back up in December…

Just realized this part doesn’t really add any new information. All well.

“...now it just feels empty.”

For a long moment, they sat in silence. Aislin looked out into the garden and said, “It’s not the same, I know. But when I lost Matthias, I was lost. I didn’t understand how I could go on living, much less find happiness.”

The old woman and Cordelia focused their attention on her. She continued, “For months, everything felt gray. And then, one day in spring, I saw an iridescent blue butterfly.” She chuckled and looked over at the old woman. “It’s such a small thing, I know. But seeing that reminded me that the world is still beautiful, and I could be a part of that.” She placed her hand over the old woman’s. “I can’t promise when it will happen, but you’ll be able to be a part of that again too. I believe the Rose can weave even our pain into something beautiful.”

The old woman smiled gently at Aislin and patted her hand. Cordelia moved to sit on Aislin’s other side, and for ten to fifteen minutes, they enjoyed the silence together.

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Aislin Next->


31 October 2022


29 October 2022