8 May 2024

I think I may have particularly disliked Isaac this day, or I was leaning particularly hard into the idea that he’s the type to get himself into trouble. I do know for sure Rapunzel initially rejects the chance to leave the tower, and I like the idea of Isaac pushing too far and getting dumped outside. I don’t think this is quite it, though; his frustration feels too sudden, too arrogant. He is arrogant, and very focused on what he wants, but not to this degree, I think.

Though the image of Isaac landing on his royal butt outside is fun.

…long-lost sister?

Unless… Was it possible the real Aurora was still he’d somewhere else in the tower? If this Rapunzel was Gothel’s servant, the fairy could well have ordered her to distract anyone from finding Aurora. He didn’t know that he believed that, yet, but it would be nice if it were true.

After around fifteen…

Every wall was covered in paintings, many of them featuring Mother. That… put a big damper on his theory Rapunzel wasn’t Aurora. Isaac noted one of Maleficent directly across from them, and most of the rest featured different women, all wearing blue.

As she entered, Rapunzel rapped her knuckles on the threshold and asked, “Chairs, please.”

To the shock of both Phillip and Isaac, two chairs formed up out of the floor, forming a loose circle together with the central easel and the chair off to the side of it. Isaac didn’t sit down right away. Instead, he walked along the wall. “You painted all these?”

Rapunzel nodded, biting her lower lip. She watched him for a bit longer, as if she were trying to gauge his reaction.

Turning back to face the paintings, Isaac said, “They’re quite good.” Not that he was an expert. Isaac thought he heard a sigh of relief, though he wasn’t certain. He gestured to one that depicted Mother offering a loaf to a sickly urchin laying in an alley. “She’ll be happy to see you again.”

There was a soft squeak, then Rapunzel asked, “I-is she coming here? When?”

Isaac turned around, brow furrowed. “You’re coming with us, aren’t you? I mean, we finally found you. Isn't It time to come home?”

Rapunzel froze, then fervently shook her head. “No. No no no. I-I’m quite alright here, th-thank you.”

With a scowl, Isaac stalked toward the girl. “What?! Look, if you’re really–”

Before he could reach her, though, Rapunzel scooted back and snapped her fingers, eyes wide. Next thing Isaac knew, the floor fell out from under him and he was sliding down a long, long ramp. It finally dumped him, butt first, into the grass at the foot of the tower. Isaac sprang up to rush back in, but by the time he turned around, the wall was already closing up over the hole it spat him out of.


9 May 2024


7 May 2024