
A little over a month ago, I committed to write approximately 1 hour every day. I wanted to improve my writing skills, so that way I’d have the skill I needed to tell the stories I actually wanted to tell. So, I gave myself permission to write whatever I feel like, and more importantly, permission to let some of it be terrible, without it being a bad thing. Than I had a thought; I’m writing anyway, why not throw it up on a blog and get my name out there?

Of course, that means everything I post on here is unpolished. I may take a day here or there to revise something I’d written earlier, but even then, it’s not really edited. As I build the site, I intend to make it easier to find the stories worth reading, but that’s going to be a while.

For now, I plan on posting twice a day until I have a one-week buffer, then switch to once a day. Each post will likely have a little bit of my thoughts or explanations about it included in italics before the main post itself, so feel free to skip that. And welcome to the random writings and ramblings of Nathaniel Cloud!


17 September 2022


16 September 2022