8 November 2022

I actually have a bunch more ideas for how the Tower could screw with Isaac and Phillip. I had the thought of, whenever they got close with their throws or whatever, it suddenly grew another 10-20 feet taller. I had the idea, if Isaac kept trying to climb it, that eventually the entire wall would be smooth as glass. When the building itself is alive, there’s a lot of fun options.

…one end, then began to spin it. He tried to throw it to the window, but he must have mistimed the throw, as the hook didn’t even make it ten feet up before it plopped back down, without ever touching the tower.

Phillip gave him a pitiful look. “Dude, seriously?”

“Well, you try it, then!” Isaac huffed and folded his arms.

With a shrug, Phillip grabbed the grappling hook and tried it himself. He got it twenty, maybe twenty-five feet up, but it bounced off the tower without getting close to the window.

Isaac’s scowl deepened. “You still missed.”

Phillip grinned and playfully shoved Isaac. “Still closer than you were.”

The two spent the next fifteen to twenty minutes taking turns trying to land the hook in the window, and generally missing by a wide margin. Finally, Phillip actually did make it into the window, and after tugging a couple times to make sure everything was secure, he passed the rope off to Isaac. “Does that mean I win?”

Isaac chuckled and shook his head. Right as he got ready to climb, though, the window turned itself inside out and dumped the hook down at their feet.

The two just stared at it. “Seriously?” Phillip said, deadpan.

In sheer frustration, Isaac chucked the hook up one last time. It didn’t even get close to the window, but rather than bounce off the tower like it had been doing, it seemed to stick to the wall, like the tower had grabbed it.

The two boys watched in stunned silence as the tower pulled the hook down until it was at their eye level. Then it very deliberately spat the hook out at them.

“...I don’t think we’re getting in there again unless that girl lets us in,” Phillip said.

Isaac only nodded.

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Most recently updated draft of Rapunzel, the Sleeping Beauty (potentially including unposted content)


9 November 2022


7 November 2022